17. September 2018
Leading port authorities combine forces in Climate Action Program

The port aut­ho­ri­ties of Ham­burg, Bar­ce­lo­na, Ant­werp, Los An­ge­les, Long Beach, Van­cou­ver and Rot­ter­dam are plea­sed to an­noun­ce the launch of the World Ports Cli­ma­te Ac­tion Pro­gram. They will be joi­ning forces and working to­ge­ther on a num­ber of pro­jects that ad­dress the is­sue of glo­bal war­ming.

The World Ports Cli­ma­te Ac­tion Pro­gram fo­cu­ses on the fol­lo­wing spe­ci­fic ac­tions:

  1. Increase efficiency of supply chains using digital tools;
  2. Advance common and ambitious (public) policy approaches aimed at reducing emissions within larger geographic areas;
  3. Accelerate development of in-port renewable power-2-ship solutions and other zero emission solutions;
  4. Accelerate the development of commercially viable sustainable low-carbon fuels for maritime transport and infrastructure for electrification of ship propulsion systems.
  5. Accelerate efforts to fully decarbonize cargo-handling facilities in our ports.

The Port Aut­ho­ri­ty or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons call upon the ship­ping in­dus­try and other ports to join the com­mit­ment to de­li­ver on the Pa­ris Agree­ment and to work to­ge­ther on ac­tions that yield mea­sura­ble re­sults.

To in­crea­se the im­pact of the pro­gram, the port aut­ho­ri­ty net­work asks go­vern­ments and re­gu­la­tors to ad­opt glo­bal – or, at the very least, in­ter­na­tio­nal – po­li­cies for CO2 pri­cing and pro­vi­de fun­ding sup­port to re­le­vant R&D and pi­lot pro­jects.

The par­ti­ci­pants in the World Ports Cli­ma­te Ac­tion Pro­gram will work in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with sta­ke­hol­ders in­si­de and outs­ide the ma­ri­ti­me sec­tor. As a first ac­tion, the part­ners will be drawing up a work plan. They will use the World Ports Sustaina­bi­li­ty Pro­gram (https://sustainableworldports.org) to reach out and com­mu­ni­ca­te pro­gress of this Cli­ma­te Ac­tion pro­gram.

On the World Ports Sustaina­bi­li­ty Pro­gram (WPSP)

The WSP was laun­ched in 2018. It is the first ma­ri­ti­me sustaina­bi­li­ty char­ter world­wi­de to cont­ri­bu­te to the United Na­ti­ons‘ Sustainable De­ve­lop­ment Goals (SDGs). The pro­gram­me is de­ve­l­o­ped along five the­mes: resi­li­ent in­fra­struc­tu­re, cli­ma­te and en­er­gy, com­mu­ni­ty ou­t­reach and port-city dia­lo­gue, safe­ty and se­cu­ri­ty, go­ver­nan­ce and ethics.

The WPSP char­ter has 5 foun­ding fa­thers: ESPO, the Eu­ro­pean Sea Ports Or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on, AIVP, The World­wi­de Net­work of Port Ci­ties, AAPA, the Ame­ri­can As­so­cia­ti­on of Port Aut­ho­ri­ties, PIA­NC, The World As­so­cia­ti­on for Wa­ter­bor­ne Trans­port In­fra­struc­tu­re and IAPH, the In­ter­na­tio­nal As­so­cia­ti­on of Ports and Har­bours, which took the in­itia­ti­ve to crea­te WPSP. To­ge­ther, the­se or­ga­niza­t­i­ons re­pre­sent ne­ar­ly 1,000 ports and port-re­la­ted busi­nes­ses and agen­cies from more than 100 coun­tries around the world.




Julia Gelbe
T: +49 40 30051-397

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