We are happy to expand our Network. Come aboard with us!

Companies connected with cruise shipping work together closely in HCN with public bodies in a public-private partnership (PPP). As a leading cruise shipping network, Hamburg Cruise Network represents the interests of its members and serves as a platform for diverse forms of dialogue and sharing experience.

Expertise is contributed by the members and by municipal organisations Cruise Gate Hamburg GmbH (CGH) and Hamburg Marketing GmbH (HMG) with its constituent bodies Hamburg Invest Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (HIW) and Hamburg Tourismus GmbH (HHT).

Who can become a Member?

In principle, anyone who has or would like to have direct or indirect links to cruise shipping in Hamburg can become a member. The association is open to all companies, service providers, organizations and also private individuals who have an affinity to the industry.

Membership Cost & Application form

Companies, institutions or sole traders pay a membership fee of 265 euros (as of December 2024) per year plus a sponsorship fee, which (as of December 2024) starts at 530 euros (plus VAT) and is open at the top. Private individuals without commercial activities in the cruise industry can become members of HCN for a contribution of currently 106 euros (as of December 2024) per year. Here you will find the current membership fee regulations and our statutes.

There are two different membership forms to download. Choose the right option for you and please send us the completed and signed application by e-mail (info@hamburgcruise.net).

Members benefit in several ways. Here are just a few advantages for HCN members:

Exclusive access to the network with a wide range of contact opportunities

Invitation to partner events (site inspections, cruise dialogue, member forums…)

Attractive conditions for participation in the joint stand at renowned industry trade fairs at home and abroad
Reduced participation fees for selected trade conferences and congresses
Detailed company presentation on the HCN website with own member profile

Free advertising
of job offers

Presentation of your company at the cruise terminals in Hamburg
Application for special use areas for members, e.g. for baggage handling

Our Members at a Glance

For more information click on the logos

Cruise Liners

Port Authorities & Companies

Cruise Providers & Travel Agencies

CSC – Cruise Service Center GmbH Logo

Hotels & Catering

Leisure & Tourism


Trade Shows & Events

Media & Consultans

Financial, Trade & Business

Shipbuilding, Ship Technology & Equipment

nhb Cruises

Organisations & Associations

Education Institutions

Personal Membership
