City Management Hamburg

Alter Wall 38

20457 Hamburg


T: +49 (40) 36138647

F: +49 (40) 36138648

City Management Hamburg

Nineteen years ago, City Management Hamburg was brought to life to enhance Hamburg’s city center in the national and international competition. Companies in retail, real estate, culture, leisure, and tourism industries, interest and advertising pools, as well as communities and institutions have joined forces for this purpose.

The perceptions of Hamburg as a major retail location in Northern Europe, increasing the frequency and improving the quality of the stay are declared goals of the City Management.

The communal commitment is only made possible by the many partners who have recognized the importance of this network. With more than 850 companies today, in the city center of Hamburg and the HafenCity the, City Management represents the interests of its member companies with a strong voice in politics. All partners have one thing in common – solidarity through common goals.

Shopping in Hamburg: