On Thursday, the representatives of ports and cruise companies of the Baltic Sea and North Sea meeting in Tallinn handed over to the public and all stakeholders the Green Cruise Port Action Plan 2030, that sets out an overall vision to decouple growth from negative sustainability of the cruise industry.
The Action Plan 2030 was presented during the closing conference of the BSR Interreg Project “Green Cruise Port – Smart Cruise Port Developments in the Baltic Sea Region” on 7 February 2019.
Transnational Cooperation, fostering BSR Cruise Port Sustainability
The cruise shipping sector in the Baltic Sea has grown enormously in the last, nearly two, decades. While some 1450 ship calls (visits by a cruise ship at a port) were counted in 2000, cruise vessel calls will set a new record high at approx.

Julia Gelbe
T: +49 40 30051-397
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